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(503) 371-6141

For spills and overflows, we can easily bring the hydro vac unit which is a fully contained, completely portable tank and vacuum system that easily pumps away water, sludge and sewage.

Hydro Vac Unit

plumbing-sewer-spills-salem-orWhen it comes to delicate jobs that require safe excavation, our Hydro Vac Unit is an environmentally friendly, non-destructive method of cutting into the ground.

Using pressurized water, it easily breaks through the soil and vacuums away the resulting slurry without damaging buried lines and underground utilities. It is the recommended method of excavating when fragile items such as fiber optic cables or high pressure gas lines are involved.

The Hydro Vac Unit is a valuable tool for cleaning catch basins, parking lots and major spills. Fully self contained with tank, truck and vacuum system, it easily whisks away water and debris.

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